UAC News

18.11.2009 14:32

UAC: Fuel purveyance for the autumn field works

18.11.2009 14:32

“By and large, the situation concerning fuel supply for agrarians has been at least as good in 2009 as it was in 2008”, commented Yevgeniy Orel, Deputy Director General, Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC). It has been possible to avoid critical disruptions with the fuel supply. In the current year, according to the estimates of Ministry for Agrarian Policy, the estimated technological demand (ETD) for diesel fuel in the agrarian sector amounted to 1.5 million MT, gasoline 0.41 million MT. Of these amounts, the autumn field works required 530,000 and 139,000 MT respectively.

21.10.2009 15:47

Ukraine showed higher grain export volumes compared to Russia, but lower qualitative indices

21.10.2009 15:47

In September 2009, grain export volumes from Russia totaled nearly 2 mln tonnes as opposed to 2.2 mln tonnes in August of the current year. At the same time, railway grain shipment grew from 550 to 600 thsd tonnes, informed the analytical center of “Rusagrotrans”.

20.10.2009 00:56

Ukraine Harvests 42.3 Mln Tons Of Grain In Year To Oct 16

20.10.2009 00:56

Ukraine harvested 42.3 million metric tons of grain in the year to Oct. 16 on 14.4 million hectares, or 92% of the total area to be harvested, with an average yield of 2.94 tons a hectare, the Agriculture Ministry said Monday.

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